Thursday, October 24, 2013

My God this show is BADASS

After 10 years of peace and prosperity, the looming threat of the enigma known as "the titan" pushes the whole world to the brink of extinction in a single moment. Will humanity fall to the beasts or will they rise up against seemingly insurmountable odds and become the hunter?  ATTACK ON TITAN!

Now that I have your attention, welcome to my blog about the latest and greatest anime, Attack on Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin) written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama, that can be found on various anime/T.V website like Hulu, Crunchy Roll, Neon Alley, and many others.

I'm a bit of an anime buff, I've seen a lot of anime in my day. Instead of watching South Park, The Walking Dead, or Breaking Bad, I'll sit down with my laptop and watch Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Hellsing, or the masterpiece I'm bringing to you now, Attack on Titan. For some reason anime is stereotypically labeled as childish, nerdy, or what be it. I believe this stereotype was crafted out of ignorance, as there there are a number of astonishingly beautiful anime that will make anyone cry, laugh, cringe, or make you open your eyes wide, drop your jaw and say my God this show is BADASS. So anime fans and non-anime fans alike, welcome to Attack on Titan!

Attack on Titan is an on-going anime that is aired weekly on Saturdays (I eagerly await each release) that takes place in a non definite era of swords and black powder guns, where a looming new danger threatens the existence of humanity. Roughly 100 years prior to the series, enormous human-like giants known as titans appear out of an unknown origin, and begin a reign of horror. These titans seem to have little to no intelligence, but have incredibly hard skin, and regenerate from any form of damage almost instantly, save the base of their necks; for unknown reasons titans are instantly killed if you incise a deep wound at the base of their necks. Titans also have no reproductive organs, as well as having no digestive organs. When a titan devours a large number of humans, they vomit them up in a grotesque mass of indistinguishable body parts. Considering this, it's assumed that titans have no need for physical sustenance, instead they devour humans and humans alone for some other purpose.

As humans are devoured to the brink of extinction by these beasts, man-kind begins their plan for survival. Humanity takes advantage of the only know weakness of the titans, the base of their necks. They create a weapon called 3D maneuver gear. This weapon consists of dual swords with a grappling hook function that can attach to tree, rock, and flesh alike, then reconcile the user at high speeds, allowing the human military an agility advantage over the titans, as well as a fairly viable offense. (they're pretty much spider-man with swords)

Despite humanity's attempts at combat, the hunger of the titans overcomes. In defense, humanity erects 3 50 meter high walls surrounding the last remaining capital city, in an attempt to live out their lives in a cage from the beasts. To the joy of all man-kind, these walls work perfectly, and humanity can live out their lives as normal, all with the hungry titans
clawing at them from behind the walls.

Eren Jaeger
Mikasa Ackerman

Armin Arlert
With the back story concluded, let's jump into episode 1. Episode 1 begins with the protagonist Eren Jaeger (voiced by Yuki Kaji) having a nightmare about the titans breaking into the walls. As he shakes and yells, he is awoken by his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman (voiced by Yui Ishikawa). After Eren has calmed down, he explains how he wants to join the military to explore the outside world in an effort to help humanity take a step forward. Mikasa reprimands him, explaining how dangerous it is and how many people die by venturing outside the walls. Suddenly the two are interrupted by a familiar cry; they hear their life-long friend Armin Arlet (voiced by Marina Inoue). Armin is being beaten up by bullies after he expressed that he believes humanity needs to venture out to learn about the titans. Eren and Mikasa come to Armin's defense, the bullies laugh and taunt as Eren approaches, but run in fear the moment they see Mikasa; her being a total bad-ass. Then, COMMERCIAL BREAK! The initial demographic for advertising fits with the show's rating. Before episode 1 they have a blatant, in your face warning about blood, gore, and intense violence, warning no one under 18 to watch the show. Following at the first commercial break, they have a Bacardi Rum commercial. Egging on the under-aged 18 year olds are we Bacardi? Secondly came a commercial for the cheap and amazing Google Chrome laptop. Twice in a row. An internet T.V show website does seem like an appropriate place to advertise the latest and greatest laptop. The last commercial was a long-winded advertisement about how great Hulu Plus is, focusing on how it's add free. A commercial about not having
commercials. Well played Hulu, well played.

When Attack on Titan returns, you find Eren, Mikasa, and Armin walking back to their homes for dinner. Eren and Mikasa arrive for a casual meal with their mother and father, until the mood is broken by Mikasa leaking Eren's secret desire of wanting to join the military. His mother is outraged from the fear of her son putting his life in such dire stakes, imploring he change his mind. Eren replies with a stunning retort "I know how any people have died outside those walls, but if we live out our lives afraid in these walls, we're nothing but cattle, and if no one takes their place, all their deaths will be in vain"! Eren bolts out of the house followed by Mikasa, seeking out Armin to confide in. He finds him near the center of the city, and has a conversation featuring a foreboding monologue by Armin. "Nobody fears the titans anymore. Everyone feels like just because we've been safe for 100 years, we'll be safe forever. But there's no guarantee that the walls won't fall today". Then, COMMERCIAL BREAK. The demographic for the ad's seems to follow suit with the first set; a Geico commercial (because those are freaking everywhere), a re-run about how awesome Hulu Plus is (making note that it's cheaper than Netflix by the way), and an advertisement about all the action movies that Hulu has to offer. The last ad seems well placed as Attack on Titan is very much so an action based anime.

When Attack on Titan returns, you hear a re-run of Armins monologue, followed by an dramatic view and still-shot of the largest of the 3 walls. In a suspenseful crack, a window shattering bang is heard, followed by the sight of a lightning bolt striking the ground just outside the walls. Arising from the sundered ground comes a titan wielding a stature the likes of which none had ever seen. The colossal titan casts a shadow over the denial filled eyes of humanity, lurches back, and knees open the precious wall. After a chaotic burst of rubble, the colossus disappears in a flash of lightning. Hungry titans storm through the hole in the wall, devouring humans left and right. A piece of rubble is seen flying off in the distance, crashing into a familiar house. Eren explodes towards the sight of impact, knowing it crashed into his home where his mother and father were. Erin and Mikasa arrive at the scene to find their mother half crushed by a boulder. She tells them that their father had escaped, but her legs are crushed, and there's nothing they can do for her but run. Eren ignores her plea to escape, attempting to lift the rubble off of her. She cries "Eren! Please I can hear one approaching! Why don't you ever listen to your mother, please Erin just do this one last thing and run away! Take Mikasa and run!" Suddenly a military officer appears, wielding the 3D maneuver gear. He boasts that he will kill the approaching titan and save all three of them. The soldier sprints around the corner to face the titan, but his bravery is crushed at the sight of the monster, and he fleas back to Eren and Mikasa, grabbing them and running. Eren screams for him to let him go so he can save his mother, but the soldier continues to run in a frantic sprint. Eren looks back to see the titan rambling through the rubble covering his beloved mother. In tears of fear, rage and fright, Eren screams as the smirking titan lifts his mother off the ground. Eren's mother screams "Eren, Mikasa, live on"! The titan holds Eren's struggling mother in the air, lurches back, and reveals his saliva covered teeth. The beast creaks open his mouth and slowly botes down on the screaming mother, lacerating her in two only meters away from the eyes of her son. The screen fades to black as Eren screams one final time in a tortuosly agonizing tone, saturated saturated in unparalleled eructation. <--(Scene of Erin's mother's death. I implore you to watch it, my summary doesn't do the intensity justice. 2 minutes.)<--( Music video that really does perfect justice to the overall persona of the show. Truly epic. Check it out. 4 minutes.)


As I (hopefully) exuded in my summary of episode 1, Attack on Titan has a thoroughly intense mood from various angles. It has the obvious strive to survive, along with the deep relationships that are built, especially between Eren and Mikasa. There are numerous times when I found myself clenching my teeth and opening my eyes wide at the fear of one of my beloved characters dying; and often times they did.

The show does hold some similarities and mainstream instances/character traits, as it is an apocalyptic theme. Apocalypse themes such as zombie breakouts have been done often, however, despite Attack on Titan being centered around a flesh devouring threat to humanity, it's presented in an extremely unique way; especially when the origin of the beasts are hinted at. As far as character traits and stereotypes, this show embraces and ignores the staple characters for an anime. The majority of anime shows have 3 characters; a protagonist whom doesn't necessarily excel at combat, but wields a special ability, a physically weak tactician, and a chaotic bad-ass. The 3 main characters do fit these rolls with Eren as the enigmatic protagonist, Armin as the tactician, and Mikasa as the bad-ass, however it differs by having a female as the physically and mentally strongest character. She fits the roll that is usually given to a male, and it's done without compromising any facet of the roll, or her as a character.


GOOD: Unique world and story
The world in Attack on Titan goes about an apocalyptic world differently than the norm. Most world ending calamities are cause by a war, zombies, or aliens, where Attack on Titan has a unique peril; giant man-eating humanoid creatures with an unknown origin, combated in a sword wielding spider-man proxy fashion. The story and feel of the show is also excellent, posing a very interesting and deep story, along with a powerful sense of tension. The viewer is more inclined to wonder when their favorite character will die, opposed to if their favorite character will die.
GOOD: Powerful Character Development
Despite the brutal fast paced the show features, it also goes very deep into each character. A fantastic example is Mikasa Ackerman. Mikasa has a unfazed, calm and collected demeanor, but behind it is a deep and interesting character. Whether it's her butchering titans like a total bad-ass, or a scene about her back story, she is a fully developed, compelling character.<--( Video about Mikasa's compelling back story. Very powerful story writing. 4 minutes)

GOOD: Well above average animation

This section really speaks for its self, the animation in Attack on Titan is well above par compared to most shows

BAD: Poor pacing

At times the pacing can be poor. There is occasionally large gaps between calm and action, which can induce surprise, but also can take away from the blow.

I would give the show a strong 9 out of 10, the pacing being the only thing that keeps it from being a perfect 10. Even with that flaw, it still stands out as one of the best anime's of all time; and it's not even finished yet.<--(Link to another review. I agree completely with this official review, only disagreeing with extent of damage the less than optimal pacing deals.)

1 comment:

  1. This was a really interesting read! I'm occasionally a fan of anime myself, but what initially drew me in about your blog is that it's simplistic, but very well-thought out. I scrolled through the entire thing first before even realizing what it was about, because I just liked the look of it. But in terms of content, nice review. I've never seen this show but it sounds potentially horrifying, and also probably addicting. I'm a bit of a t.v. junkie. The animation of this show is very cool, it's captivating and it's obvious they put a lot of effort into the characters and the plot development.

    Do you know the director Hayao Miyazaki? Probably, because he created the movies Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. Those are two of my favorite anime productions. Here's some links to Miyazaki's Wiki page and the movies:

    Great blog post!
